The ETUI and the Institute for Labour Law of the KU Leuven are glad to invite you to our conference on the issue of collective bargaining and algorithmic management, taking place on 24 March 2022 from 13.30 CET (Brussels local time).  

The conference will facilitate an exchange of views and possible strategies between European trade unions concerning algorithmic management and collective bargaining. What protections does different national legislation offer against the risks posed by algorithmic management? How can collective agreements or information and consultation rights provide protection against it? What role can trade unions play in its regulation and how can workers be involved in the fight against these practices?

The EU Commission has recently proposed a Regulation on Artificial Intelligence that will significantly affect the world of work. It also proposed a Directive on Platform Work that includes a chapter on algorithmic management. The conference will be an opportunity to assess these recent developments and discuss how trade unions plan to lobby and organise to strengthen protections against algorithmic management and extend them beyond platform work.

See the program here: