International & Comparative Employment Relations: Global Crises & Institutional Responses, 7th edn, 2021, Greg J Bamber, Fang Lee Cooke, Virginia Doellgast & Chris F Wright, editors. Available via the link above. If you consider recommending or reviewing it, SAGE Publishing may provide a free eCopy; click on one of these links! For a flyer with a discount code, click here. You might also forward it as a recommendation to your library. Proceeds from this book contribute to charities that foster health-related research and hunger-relief
It is the standard reference for a worldwide readership of students, scholars & practitioners in international agencies, governments, employers & unions, this book offers a new & systematic overview. Experts examine the practice and context of employment relations in 13 countries: economic, historical, legal, social & political. The authors consider roles of various players; processes of employment relations including collective bargaining, arbitration & employee involvement; as well as multinational enterprises; global supply chains; implications of digitalisation & new technologies; climate change & the COVID-19 pandemic.