Dear colleagues
I am looking for reviewers for the following books for the British Journal of industrial relations.
Before you respond please note books may only be e-copies – I will try to get hard copies but publishers seem less willing to supplies these at the moment.
ALSO -I will need the following information…
- a date you could do the review
- an address if you want me to see if I can source a hard copy.
Best wishes
Jane Holgate
The Living Wage
Advancing a Global Movement
Edited By Tony Dobbins, Peter Prowse
Research Handbook on New Frontiers of Equality and Diversity at Work
International Perspectives
Klarsfeld, A. Knappert, L. Kornau, A. Ng, E.S. Ngunjiri, F.W.
Marx in Movement: Operaismo in Context
By Antonio Negri
Published by Polity Press–9781509544233
The Labor Board Crew: Remaking Worker-Employer Relations from Pearl Harbor to the Reagan Era
by Ronald W. Schatz.
Migrant Domestic Work in Arab States
Rhacel Salazar ParreƱas
The network trap : why women struggle to make it into the boardroom
Bushell, M., Hoque, K. and Dean, D. (2020) “Springer, Singapore.