A roundtable discussion on the legal and industrial relations implications of the mass sackings by P&O Ferries

Wed, 13 April 2022 18:00 – 19:30 BST Online: Register here: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/po-ferries-a-roundtable-on-seafarers-industrial-relations-and-the-law-tickets-314415343757

About this event

The decision by P&O Ferries to dismiss 800 long-standing employees in March 2022 and replace them with agency staff attracted widespread criticism. The case highlights the gaps in British labour law, including the limited remedies available and weak enforcement mechanisms. It has also exposed weaknesses in the international labour law regime and global business & human rights framework. However, the P&O case is part of a trend in short-sea shipping in European waters, especially since a proposed EU Directive that would have imposed European conditions on all vessels sailing in EU waters failed to pass.

The University of Bristol’s Centre for Law at Work and Institute of Employment Rights will host a roundtable discussion between labour law and industrial relations experts to dissect the relevant legal issues and think about what avenues are open to provide justice to the affected workers. The panellists will also offer their thoughts on what needs to change to prevent a similar recurrence in future.


Alan Bogg, Professor of Labour Law, University of Bristol

Keith Ewing, Professor of Public Law, King’s College London and President of the Institute of Employment Rights

Sofia Galani, Assistant Professor in Public International Law, Panteion University of Social and Political Science

Lord John Hendy QC, Chair of the Institute of Employment Rights and President of the International Centre for Trade Union Rights

Tonia Novitz, Professor of Labour Law, University of Bristol

Peter Turnbull, Professor of Management, University of Bristol

Chair: Manoj Dias-Abey, Lecturer in Law, University of Bristol and Co-Director of the Centre for Law at Work