International Labour and Logistics Research Network/ Centre for Decent Work seminar
Thursday, May 12 at 5:00 pm BST
Please register at this link.
Dr Gabriella Cioce — “The Improvised Language of Solidarity: Translations, Lingua Franca and Humour in the Organizing Processes of Multi-Ethnic Migrant Workers”
Drawing on the ethnographic study of the struggles of S.I. Cobas multi-ethnic migrant workers in the Italian logistics sector, three practices that help overcome language barriers – translation, lingua franca and humour – are identified and theorised as ‘the improvised language of solidarity.’
Dr. Gabriella Cioce is an ESRC Post Doctoral Research Fellow at the University of Nottingham Business School.
Anne Engelhardt — “Embodied Labour and the Metabolic Rift at the Chokepoint”
Transport workers at ports and airports currently challenge precarious and increasingly dangerous working conditions. The talk discusses how the eco-Marxist concept of the metabolic rift can be employed for industrial relations and used as a junction between struggles for health and safety and just transition of transport.
Anne Engelhardt is a PhD researcher at Kassel University in the politics and globalisation department. Her research focuses on labour struggles at ports and airports in Brazil and Portugal.
Joe Morris — “Performance Management and Racialisation: Legitimisation and Subversion of Performance Management in the Sheffield City Region’s Logistics Industry”
This talk presents an ethnography of the labour process and employment conditions in the logistics industry in the Sheffield City Region (SCR). It explores how the racialisation of labour unravels within the performance management regime, tracing the contradictory dynamics of managerial strategy on the experience of labour.
Joe Morris is a PhD researcher at the University of Sheffield affiliated to the Centre for Decent Work.