Deadline for applications: 31st May 2022
Each year, an organising team of BUIRA members hosts the BUIRA Conference. The Executive is keen that all BUIRA members have the opportunity to apply to host the conference.
The BUIRA Executive invites applications from prospective organising teams to host either the 2023 or 2024 conferences. Organising teams must comprise full BUIRA members at the time of application.
This year the conference will be held in Birmingham in June 2022. A new team of stewards based at the University of Bristol will then take office. Following tradition, the stewards will host the conference in their final year of office, 2025. This means BUIRA is looking for institutions to host the conference in 2023 and 2024.
Written applications of no more than 1000 words in length should be emailed to by 31st May 2022 and contain as much detail on the following points as possible at this early stage:
- Names and short biographies of organising team, including a designated lead co-ordinator
- Conference venue location and facilities
- Accommodation location/s and facilities
- Conference dinner and entertainment proposals
- Administrative support
- Projected cost model per delegate (if possible).
- Preferred year to host the conference:
The BUIRA Executive will decide on the successful applications.