Challenging racism, supporting migrants:
2 – 4 September 2022 ‘We Move: A race equality and migrants’ rights summit’.
We are living through turbulent times. Over half of Britain’s ethnic minority children are currently living in poverty, Black women are four times more likely to die in childbirth than their white counterparts, and the government recently announced plans to ship those seeking refuge in Britain to Rwanda, over 4,000 miles away.
It is time to come together, analyse the challenges we face, and consider what steps are necessary to bring us closer to an inclusive society where everyone feels they can belong.
At a time when there are both significant opportunities and immense challenges in seeking to advance the racial equality and migrants’ rights agendas, join us over the weekend of 2 – 4 September 2022 for ‘We Move: A race equality and migrants’ rights summit’.
The event will be educational, celebratory, respectful, purposefully diverse, action-orientated, inclusive and interactive. Among the many topics to be explored will be:
- Police in Schools
- Covid and its impact on BME communities
- Decolonising the Curriculum
- The weaponisation of ‘impartiality’
- The use of the law to enforce equalities
- Migrants self-organisation
- The current legislative agenda
- Winning equality at work
- Equality law update
There will also be education sessions on change making, fund-raising and historical struggles (how did they win, and what can we learn from their approaches?) The event will be purposefully intersectional, and we have intentionally sought input from the LQBTQ+, Disabled and otherwise marginalised communities. It will be a welcoming space for ALL sections of our communities, and we will be actively centering those voices that are often unheard.
This won’t be a conference consisting solely of sessions where we are lectured at (although we will definitely make room for some of those sessions). We will be using: poster walls, pecha kucha, round table discussions, workshops, film shows and world cafés to bring the issues alive and to ensure that we surface all the existing knowledge in the room.
The Summit, convened by Runnymede Trust is proudly built upon the support of our ‘foundational partners’: Ubele Initiative, JCWI, Liberty, New Economics Foundation, Manchester University’s Centre on the Dynamics of Ethnicity, and DLA Piper.
Be among the first to register here,
If you want to organise a delegation from your student union please complete this form.
If you want to suggest content for the Summit please click here.
For more information contact
We hope to see you there!
John Page (He, Him)
Acting Head of Research and Public Engagement
Runnymede Trust