

The employment effects of public investment in 

infrastructure, the care economy and the green economy: 

the case of emerging economies

organised by the Greenwich Business School (GBS), University of Greenwich (UoG) 

Centre of Political Economy, Governance, Finance and Accountability (PEGFA)

in collaboration with the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) 

and the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung

25 May 2023, 16:00-20:00

University of Greenwich, Queen Anne Building Room QA080,

Old Royal Naval College, Park Row, London, SE10 9LS, UK

We would like to invite you to the PEGFA conference where we will present the results of a new ITUC report conducted by Özlem Onaran and  Cem Oyvat at the University of Greenwich on the employment effects of public investment in infrastructure, the care economy and the green economy in the emerging economies. The report shows that a repeated annual increase in public spending within these three sectors would yield major economic returns across eight countries and create substantial new employment for  a green caring just transition in the emerging economies and beyond.

The speakers include Evelyn Astor (ITUC), Ronald Janssen (TUAC/OECD), David Kucera (ILO), Boitumelo Molete (COSATU), Geoff Tily (TUC), Gonzalo Hernández Jiménez (Colombia),  İpek İlkkaracan (İTU), Özlem Onaran (UoG) and Cem Oyvat (UoG), with opening remarks by Pro-Vice Chancellor Prof. Leigh Doster, Greenwich Business School (GBS).

This is an on-sight event but will also be accessible via Microsoft Teams. The event is free but please register here (indicating your mode of attendance).


16:00 Opening remarksPro-Vice Chancellor Prof. Leigh Doster, GBS


Chair and Introduction: Evelyn Astor, ITUC Economic and Social Policy Advisor

Özlem Onaran (GBS/PEGFA) and Cem Oyvat (GBS/PEGFA), The employment effects of public investment in infrastructure, the care economy and the green economy: the case of emerging economies

David Kucera, International Labour Organization, Senior Economist

Ronald Janssen, Trade Union Advisory Committee to the OECD (TUAC), Senior Policy Advisor, Investing in Green and Resilient Economies and labour markets : The role of trade unions

Geoff Tily, Trades Union Congress (TUC), UK, Senior Economist

İpek İlkkaracan, İstanbul Technical University, Prof. of Economics, The employment generation impact of meeting SDG targets in early childhood care, education, health, and long-term care in 45 countries  (online)

Boitumelo Molete, Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU), Social Development Policy Coordinator, video

Gonzalo Hernández Jiménez, former Deputy Finance Minister, Colombia, video

Debate and Q&A 

19:00 Drinks Reception