Edmund Heery, Deborah Hann, David Nash
This book presents a case study of the campaign to promote the voluntary or ‘real’ Living Wage, a labour standard developed by the community organizing network Citizens UK which has been adopted by more than 16,000 employers. The book is only available in hardback or ebook at present but the publisher, Oxford University Press, is currently offering a 30 per cent discount. To make use of this offer, order through the OUP website (https://global.oup.com/academic/) and use the discount code: ASFLYQ6.
One of the chapters is also currently available on open access. Chapter Three of the book, The Campaign for the Living Wage, describes the linked organizations that have developed the campaign, Citizens UK and its sister-body the Living Wage Foundation. It also describes the methods that they have used: a sometimes, awkward combination of community organizing and promotion of the standard to receptive employers. To access this chapter, use the following link: https://academic.oup.com/book/46807/chapter/413830648.