The Association of Industrial Relations Academics of Australia and New Zealand (AIRAANZ) is pleased to announce that the AIRAANZ 2025 Conference will be co-hosted by Te Herenga Waka Victoria University of Wellington and Te Kunenga ki Pūrehuroa Massey University and held in Wellington, New Zealand from Monday 3 to Wednesday 5 February 2025. The conference will be in-person.
The conference theme is ‘Navigating the Nexus: Politics, Profession, and Practice in Industrial Relations’. The world of work is increasingly dynamic and challenging. Employment relations academics have a critical role to play in understanding these challenges, informing and transforming debate. Employment relations scholarship has always been current and relevant, addressing real-world problems through empirical research. The importance of relevance and engagement with policymakers and practitioners is now more critical than ever. This conference theme allows us to explore key issues and impacts for contemporary employment relations research including, but not limited to, the following areas:

  • Addressing inequalities in low-paid and insecure forms of work
  • First People perspectives and indigeneity in labour
  • Political economy of employment regulation
  • Challenges relating to gender, work and family
  • Prospects for IR: academic and practitioner perspectives
  • Deregulation and reregulation of labour markets
  • Climate change, work and sustainability
  • Migrant labour and politics
  • Politics and economies of care work
  • Political economy of health and safety
  • Workplace and domestic violence
  • Flexible work in a post-pandemic era
  • AI, gig work and worker rights
  • Future of ‘embodied work’
  • Politics and practice of diversity, equity and inclusion

Key Dates & Events
HDR Student Breakfast will be on Monday, 3 February.
Welcome Drinks will be at the end of the first day of the conference (Monday 3 February).
Conference Dinner will be held on Tuesday 4 February.
The AIRAANZ 2024 AGM will be held on Wednesday 5 February.

Conference session proposals due 26 July 2024
Paper Abstract submission open 12 August 2024
Paper Abstract Submissions due 15 September 2024
HDR Students abstract submissions due 15 September 2024
Early bird registration 06 December 2024

We now invite submissions for Conference session proposals – due 26 July 2024
Session proposals should include the following details:

  • Title,
  • names of convenor/s and their affiliated institutions and email addresses
  • Names of arranged or proposed speakers and their paper titles/topics
  • Abstract explaining session theme (250 words max)

Please submit your proposals and abstracts to
Questions regarding the conference should be sent to: or Noelle Donnelly at
We look forward to welcoming you to the AIRAANZ 2025 Conference!
Conference organising committee: Noelle Donnelly, Jim Arrowsmith, Christian Yao, Stephen Blumenfeld, Daniel Duan, Zoe Port, Dan Langerud, Geoff Plimmer.