Relations Industrielles/Industrial Relations  You have until February 28th, 2025, to submit a manuscript for the thematic issue edited by Patrice JaletteJean Charest Ph.D. and Vassil Kirov : “What are the repercussions of labour/skills shortages and scarcity on industrial relations and human resource management?”.

The goal of this special issue is to provide an opportunity for researchers to advance theoretical reflection and provide empirical evidence to better understand the repercussions of labour/skills shortages and scarcity on IR and HRM in unionized and/or nonunionized workplaces. In other words, this special issue focuses on how social actors – workers, employers, unions, sectoral bodies and states – deal with a lack of labour and skills. Submissions to this Special Issue, which enter into dialogue with existing theories about these impacts and arising adaptations and which present credible empirical evidence will be privileged.

Deadline for submissions: February 28th, 2025

A multidisciplinary non-profit quarterly journal dedicated to the study of work and employment, Relations industrielles/Industrial Relations is a peer-reviewed bilingual quarterly journal of international reputation ranked No. 2 by the FNEGE and in the top 50 French-language journals by Google Scholar. Its mission is to act as a diffuser of the best original scientific work in this field. Published continuously since 1945, RI/IR has the merit of being one of the oldest industrial relations journals in Canada, and indeed the world. We publish a different issue each season and are always accepting submissions. The journal is following a Diamond Open Access model.

For full details, visit our website: