British Universities Industrial Relations Association (BUIRA)
Annual General Meeting (AGM) Held Online (Zoom) 9th December
- Matters arising from the last meeting not otherwise on the agenda
-BUIRA Code of Practice Jenny Rodriquez and Laura William are updating it and a new version should be available soon.
- BUIRA Annual Conference 2022, University of Birmingham
- See attached CfP
- Steward/Officer Reports
The meeting received the attached Officer Reports.
- President’s report
- Secretary’s report
- Conference and events officer’s report
- Treasurer’s report
- Membership officer’s report
In the questions is was suggested that we collect data on how new members heard about BUIRA – perhaps by adding a simple “how do you hear about..” bit on a membership application as well as a more in-depth thing in a welcome email.
- Communication officer’s report
- BUIRA Study Groups
Linda Clarke – London BUIRA Study Group
Held three seminars which have all been successful and well attend, these seminars were on the topics of 50 years since Allende’s election in Chile, marketisation of education, and the transformation of the employment relationship. Request for ideas for future seminars.
Michael Gold – IR History Study Group
The London and IR History study groups are often merged joint events. Three successful seminars with more than 50 attendees at each on: 50 years since Allende election in Chile, the equal pay act 50 years on, and has the standard employment relationship ever existed. Additionally, later today there is a seminar on low pay. Online seminars less relational but global reach. Debate as to what should the balance be between online and face-2-face? Request for ideas for future seminars. Recordings of online seminars will be added to the new website.
Stewart Johnstone – BURIA Scotland Study Group
Launch has been delayed by COVID but had 70 people registered for first event so confident of interest. Plan to launch in new year with event on working from home. Hope to also set up a BUIRA Scotland PhD network.
- Other agenda items
Tony Dobbins (BUIRA President): BUIRA intends to develop this theme – had a session at BUIRA 2021 on intersectionality and feminism; currently organising special webinar on intersectionality and a plenary (Tamara Lee) has been agreed on race and intersectionality for BUIRA 2022
- University of Bristol BUIRA Stewardship (2022-2025)
See attached proposal
Bristol Proposal Approved
Vote: 18 approved, 2 abstain