Section I – Name and Location
- The name of this body (hereinafter called the Association) is the British Universities Industrial Relations Association. The seat of the Association shall be the University or other institution at which its current President holds their appointment.
Section II – Functions
- The Association shall promote the study of industrial relations in the United Kingdom through the relevant academic disciplines.
- In particular, the Association may:
- convene an annual conference at which papers on various aspects of industrial relations will be presented and discussed;
- inform its members from time to time about developments in the field of industrial relations in the United Kingdom and elsewhere;
- make periodic surveys of its members’ research and teaching activities;
- make representations to appropriate Government departments and other relevant institutions to improve the quality and extent of statistical sources, teaching and research in the field of industrial relations in the United Kingdom;
- affiliate to the International Labour and Employment Relations Association (ILERA) and maintain such other international contacts as approved by the Officers and Executive Committee;
- establish, with the approval of the Annual Meeting, Study Groups, Seminars and Workshops in pursuance of paragraph 2 above. The activities of these groups will be approved by the Executive Committee and such groups will be eligible to apply to the Executive Committee for financial support. Each group will be required to make a report of their activities to the Annual Meeting, including a financial statement where appropriate;
- undertake other activities in pursuance of paragraph 2 above.
Section III – Membership
- Membership in the Association shall be without any numerical limitations, but only individuals shall be eligible for membership.
- Membership is open to any individual interested in industrial relations and who is engaged in teaching in any of the disciplines in universities, other institutions of higher or adult education, or research institutions approved by the Executive Committee.
- Employers, employees of individual companies, employers’ associations, trade unions, commercial bodies and government departments shall not be eligible for membership of the Association.However, the President may, with the approval of the Executive Committee, invite a maximum of four individuals associated with such bodies to attend the Annual Conference on a personal basis.
- Any member whose subscription is more than one year in arrears at the time of the Annual Conference shall be deemed to have resigned.
- Members who retire from employment may, if they wish, continue their membership in the Association.
- The Annual Meeting is empowered to appoint retired members to honorary membership upon such nominations receiving a two-thirds majority of members attending the Annual Meeting at which the nominations are put forward. Honorary members shall not have voting rights at the Annual Meeting. Retired former Officers of the Association shall automatically qualify for honorary membership. All other nominees must fulfil at least one of the following criteria:
- former Executive Committee member
- former BUIRA study group convenor or similar
- be recognised as making a substantial and significant contribution to the development of academic industrial relations
Section IV – Authorities and Officers
- The constitutional authorities of the Association shall be:
- The Annual Meeting
- The Executive Committee
- The Annual Meeting shall be composed of the members of the Association.
- Each member of the Association shall have one vote in the Annual Meeting. Decisions on issues referred to the Annual Meeting shall be decided on the basis of a simple majority vote of those members in attendance, other than amendments to the rules for which the procedure is specified in paragraph 25 below.
- In special circumstances, the Executive Committee may decide to refer an issue, other than that of the amendment of the rules of the Association, to the whole membership by postal ballot. A majority of members voting will decide the Association’s policy on any issue.
- The Annual Meeting shall be held each year on the occasion of the Annual Conference.
- Members in subscription arrears will not be able to attend the Annual Conference or the Annual Meeting.
- The Annual Meeting shall elect the President of the Association, other Officers and members of the Executive Committee, discuss and approve the Secretary’s report and a report of the Association’s finances, consider any other issues it deems appropriate and give the Executive Committee such general guidance or instructions as may be required.
- The Executive Committee will appoint an auditor to undertake an annual audit of the accounts of the Association. The auditors shall normally serve a term of three years and are eligible for re-appointment by the Executive Committee.
- The Executive Committee shall include the Officers and not more than eight other non-officer members of the Association.
- The President of the Association shall normally only serve a term of three years.
- Ordinary members of the Executive Committee shall be elected for terms of three years and are eligible for re-election for a second consecutive term of three years. Members of the Executive Committee cannot serve for three consecutive terms; but can stand for re-election after an intervening period of three years. Any vacancies on the Executive Committee shall be filled at the Annual Meeting following the occurrence of the vacancy.
- The Secretary of the Association shall be elected on the nomination of the Executive Committee and shall normally serve for the same period as the President. The Executive Committee may also recommend to the Annual Meeting the election of a Treasurer or other Officers of the Association.
- The Executive Committee shall be responsible for determining the programme and managing the finances of the Association, subject to such guidance or instruction it may receive from the Annual Meeting. It shall represent the Association in regard to third parties.
- The Secretary (or nominated Membership Officer) shall be responsible for maintaining an up-to-date list of the Association’s members and making arrangements for meetings of the Executive Committee and the Annual Conference. In addition, if no Treasurer is appointed, the Secretary shall act as treasurer and shall be responsible for preparing the annual statement of accounts.
Section V – Finances
- The Association shall have an annual membership subscription to defray expenses, which may be varied from time to time by a decision of the Annual Meeting.
Section VI – Amendments
- Amendments to the Rules of the Association may be proposed either by individual members or by the Executive Committee. Amendments must be approved by a two-thirds majority vote of members attending the Annual Meeting, except that the Annual Meeting may refer a proposed amendment to a postal vote of the Association’s membership. In these circumstances, a two-thirds majority vote of all members shall be necessary for approval.
Amended July 2024