Central London BUIRA in conjunction with



The Central London branch of BUIRA meets in the Westminster Business School of the University of Westminster at 35 Marylebone Road, London NW1 5LS (nearest tube Baker Street). There are many with an interest in industrial relations in the London area, including from universities, trade unions and employer associations. The meetings take the form of seminars, with one key speaker, and attract a lively mix of people, both BUIRA and non-BUIRA members, from a range of different disciplines and organisations, some very expert in the particular topic discussed. We usually meet on the last Friday of the month at 10.30, with coffee available from 10.15 and a sandwich lunch provided from 12.30. This gives ample opportunity to discuss the presentation from an invited speaker and matters of common interest, as well as to just catch up with friends. The programme aims to give us fresh insights into key current issues, to present new approaches to the subject of industrial relations, and to discuss important research in the area – whether in Britain or farther afield, particularly on mainland Europe. The programme for 2012/13 is focussed on changes and developments in the regulation of employment relations and alternatives to austerity and is:


30th November 2012 Incapacitated? Just who is to blame for the Disability Employment Problem?, with Professor Alan Roulstone (University of Northumbria);

Discussant: Ciara Doyle, University of Greenwich and DPAC (Disabled People against Cuts)

Room C282  (lunch C281) NOTE: BEGINS AT 1.30pm, LUNCH 12.30-1.30


22nd February 2013 Union strategies for changing the course of policy in Europe, with Vasco Pedrina (Swiss Unia National Secretary, Vice-President of Building and Woodworkers’ International, Swiss TU Federation ETUC representative);

Discussant:  Professor Richard Hyman (London School of Economics)

Room C281 (lunch C287)


26th April 2013 Enforcing Employment Rights, Prof. Linda Dickens (University of Warwick)

Room M206 (lunch M204)


31st May 2013 The Reshaping of Health and Safety Regulation: why less is never enough with Professor Steve Tombs (Liverpool John Moores University);

Discussant: Professor Phil James (Oxford Brookes University)

Room C282  (lunch C281)


So do put these dates in your diary now. These meetings can be full. To ensure a place and to help forecast catering provision, please inform Linda Clarke if you expect to attend, preferably by email (please also let me know if you subsequently need to cancel).


Contact: Prof. Linda Clarke, Westminster Business School, University of Westminster, 35 Marylebone Road, London NW1 5LS. Tel. 020350 66528; email: