Central London BUIRA in conjunction with


The Central London branch of BUIRA meets in the Westminster Business School of the University of Westminster at 35 Marylebone Road, London NW1 5LS. There are many with an interest in industrial relations in the London area, including from universities, trade unions and employer associations. The meetings take the form of seminars and take place on the last Friday of the month at 10.30, with coffee available from 10.15 and a sandwich lunch provided from 12.30. The programme aims to give us fresh insights into key current issues, to present new approaches to the subject of industrial relations, and to discuss important research in the area – whether in Britain or farther afield, particularly on mainland Europe. The programme for 2014 is focussed on alternative strategies to address austerity and the changing nature of the employment relations:


31st January 2014 Hard times and hard choices for trade unions in Western Europe, with Rebecca Gumbrell-McCormick (Birkbeck College) and Professor Richard Hyman (LSE);

Discussant: Dr Heiner Dribbusch, Hans Böckler Foundation, Germany

Room C181 (lunch C182)


28th February 2014 Whither Collective Bargaining in Europe?, with: Jan Cremers (AIAS, University of Amsterdam) on Labour relations under attack;; Dr. Horen Voskeritsian (University of West of England), Hard times: Collective bargaining in times of austerity – the case of Greece; and Professor Keith Ewing (Kings College London) and John Hendy QC (Old Square Chambers) on A manifesto for collective bargaining Room M209 (lunch M206)


28th March 2014 The changing and global nature of the employment relation with Philip Jennings (General Secretary, UNI global union) on The impact of global agreements in the services sectors and Dr Jeremy Anderson (International Transport Workers Federation) on Global production networks and union organising in the global transport sector: Reflections on the strategy of the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF).

Discussant: Elizabeth Cotton (Middlesex University) Room M204 (lunch M206)


30th May 2014 Workers control as an alternative? With Dr Dario Azzellini (Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria) on Co-management and factory councils in Venezuela in context and Prof Martin Upchurch (Middlesex University) on Reflections on workers control in the former Yugoslavia

Room C282  (lunch C281)


31st October 2014 What is happening to industrial relations in Eastern Europe? with Professor Guglielmo Meardi (University of Warwick) on Changes in collective bargaining in Poland before and during the austerity period  Room tbc


28th November 2014 Explaining transnational union action – Lessons from the European integration process, with (provisionally) Dr Roland Erne (University College Dublin) Room tbc


So do put these dates in your diary now. These meetings can be full. To ensure a place and to help forecast catering provision, please Contact: Prof. Linda Clarke, Westminster Business School, Tel. 020350 66528; email: