Annual Report: Central London BUIRA 2019-2020

Only two seminars were organised for the programme this year, though three were planned. Each was well-attended (c30 participants) and with very lively discussions, but then Covid took over. It is hoped that third which was postponed can take place soon, though virtually. The programme focussed on environmental, educational and labour market changes impacting on industrial relations both in the UK and internationally.


29th November 2019 A Just Transition? trade unions and climate change, with Dr Béla Galgóczi (European Trade Union Institute) Two faces of a Just Transition: challenges for trade unions in addressing climate change’, and Alana Dave (International Transport Federation) Towards a social model of public transport – ITF global strategy and policy


31st January 2020, Digitalisation, employment and industrial relations, with Prof Birgit Mahnkopf (Berlin School of Economics and Law) on The future of work in the era of ´digital capitalism´: Promises of digitalization and its impact on employment, workers and industrial relations, and Dr Kim Moody on The ‘logistics revolution’ of the 21st century as a material aspect of digital capitalism


The third seminar was scheduled for 27th March on Higher education, marketisation, RF/TEF and employment relations, with Prof Dorothy Bishop (University of Oxford) on REF and TEF: are they useful?” and Dr Olga Kuznetsova (Manchester Metropolitan University’ on Employee relations in marketizing universities


Linda Clarke

September 2020