Call for Stewardship of BUIRA

The term of office for the Bristol team will end in 2025 after the Annual Conference.

The BUIRA Executive Committee invites applications for the next 3 year term of office (2025-28).

Applications should provide details of the stewardship team (President, Secretary, Treasurer, Communications, Membership), any administrative support at the host institution, and a brief outline of any planned activities in addition to the Association’s current activities.

Applications emailed to by 15 November 2024

Event: Health & Safety At Work Act – 50 Years On Still fit for purpose?

Bookings for this conference will close on Sunday 17 November 2024. 

The History & Policy Trade Union and Employment Forum presents: Health & Safety At Work Act – 50 Years On Still fit for purpose?

2024 marks the 50th anniversary of the introduction of the Health & Safety at Work Act in 1974. At the time the Act, drawn up following the Robens report of 1972, provided a sea change in the provision of workplace safety by proposing wholesale, fundamental changes to employers’ duties, risk management and the inspectorate. 50 years on and the workplace and working arrangements have changed significantly and this conference will pose the question – Is the Act still fit for purpose?

We have brought together experts from the field of academia as well was senior trade unionists who specialise in health and safety for their members. The Conference will also be addressed by Dame Judith Hackitt, past Chair of the H&S Executive and currently Chair of the Industry Safety Steering Group for the building industry providing advice to government.

The Conference will be held in the Institute of Historical Research, on Monday 25th November 2024. Commencing at 10.00 am it will run to 3.30 pm with lunch provided, followed by a reception.

Admission: £25.00

You can now view the provisional conference programme

Research grant call on behalf of the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Caucus (EDICa)

The Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Caucus (EDICa) (funded by UKRI and the British Academy) is looking to fund approximately 5-6 projects (total budget of around £300-350K) through the third round of its Flexible fund (awards are made at 80% FEC).

The theme of the call is the organisation of work/enabling workspaces in the UK’s research and innovation ecosystem.

To be eligible to apply you must submit an Expression of Interest (very short form) by 30 September 2024.

The deadline for applications is 31 October 2024.

To access all the wider information you should need for now, click on this link.

We are especially keen to seek interest and applications from a range of groups who are under-represented in successful grant applications from such associated funding bodies (a full list of what that entails can be accessed from the link above).

More general details of what EDICa is about and aiming to achieve can be found here.

If you have any questions and queries about this call, and not addressed by the EDICa website, please in the first instance email:

There will be two webinars (the second will be a repeat of the first) in the coming weeks to find out more, as well as ask questions, etc.

The webinars are yet to be fully confirmed, but we expect them to be: Wednesday, 21 August (11.00 to 12.00) and Tuesday, 10 September (14.00 to 15.00) – both UK time and will be on Zoom and recorded.

CfP: AIRAANZ Annual Conference 2025

The Association of Industrial Relations Academics of Australia and New Zealand (AIRAANZ) is pleased to announce that the AIRAANZ 2025 Conference will be co-hosted by Te Herenga Waka Victoria University of Wellington and Te Kunenga ki Pūrehuroa Massey University and held in Wellington, New Zealand from Monday 3 to Wednesday 5 February 2025. The conference will be in-person.
The conference theme is ‘Navigating the Nexus: Politics, Profession, and Practice in Industrial Relations’. The world of work is increasingly dynamic and challenging. Employment relations academics have a critical role to play in understanding these challenges, informing and transforming debate. Employment relations scholarship has always been current and relevant, addressing real-world problems through empirical research. The importance of relevance and engagement with policymakers and practitioners is now more critical than ever. This conference theme allows us to explore key issues and impacts for contemporary employment relations research including, but not limited to, the following areas:

  • Addressing inequalities in low-paid and insecure forms of work
  • First People perspectives and indigeneity in labour
  • Political economy of employment regulation
  • Challenges relating to gender, work and family
  • Prospects for IR: academic and practitioner perspectives
  • Deregulation and reregulation of labour markets
  • Climate change, work and sustainability
  • Migrant labour and politics
  • Politics and economies of care work
  • Political economy of health and safety
  • Workplace and domestic violence
  • Flexible work in a post-pandemic era
  • AI, gig work and worker rights
  • Future of ‘embodied work’
  • Politics and practice of diversity, equity and inclusion

Key Dates & Events
HDR Student Breakfast will be on Monday, 3 February.
Welcome Drinks will be at the end of the first day of the conference (Monday 3 February).
Conference Dinner will be held on Tuesday 4 February.
The AIRAANZ 2024 AGM will be held on Wednesday 5 February.

Conference session proposals due 26 July 2024
Paper Abstract submission open 12 August 2024
Paper Abstract Submissions due 15 September 2024
HDR Students abstract submissions due 15 September 2024
Early bird registration 06 December 2024

We now invite submissions for Conference session proposals – due 26 July 2024
Session proposals should include the following details:

  • Title,
  • names of convenor/s and their affiliated institutions and email addresses
  • Names of arranged or proposed speakers and their paper titles/topics
  • Abstract explaining session theme (250 words max)

Please submit your proposals and abstracts to
Questions regarding the conference should be sent to: or Noelle Donnelly at
We look forward to welcoming you to the AIRAANZ 2025 Conference!
Conference organising committee: Noelle Donnelly, Jim Arrowsmith, Christian Yao, Stephen Blumenfeld, Daniel Duan, Zoe Port, Dan Langerud, Geoff Plimmer.

Event: Generation Precarity

BUIRA Scotland and the Glasgow Labour, Employment and Work network warmly invite you to a hybrid seminar on precarity in academia and beyond.

On 7th June (2.30-4.30pm) Krista Bonello  and Lena Wånggren will be discussing their 2023 book, Working Conditions in a Marketised University System: Generation Precarity | SpringerLink  at The University of Glasgow.

The book provides an in-depth qualitative report on casualised academic staff in the UK, mapping shared experiences and strategies for resistance. Bringing together testimonial data spanning seven years, it offers evidence of how precarious labour conditions have persisted, shifted and intensified.
The book will be a valuable resource for students and scholars in the fields of education, human resources management, labour studies and sociology, as well as trade unionists and university policymakers.

Krista and Lena will be joined by discussants, including Niall Ingram from UCU Glasgow’s, Anti-Casualisation Committee who will respond to the authors’ presentation, with plenty of time for Q&A from the audience in person and online.

For those joining us in Glasgow,  the seminar will be followed by a social at The Sparkle Horse

To register your attendance and obtain joining details, please follow the link.

Event: You must remember this: organisational memory, morality and endurance.

Date and Time: Wednesday 05 June 2024, 13:00 – 14:30

Speaker: Deborah Dean (IRRU, WBS) and Anne-Marie Greene (University of York School of Business and Society)

Title: You must remember this: organisational memory, morality and endurance.
Abstract: Drawing on findings from an interdisciplinary AHRC-funded project 2019-2023, we respond to recent calls to understand how an organisation’s current moral principles are shaped by collective memory. Our response goes further, in demonstrating how a moral dimension to collective memory contributes to an organization’s endurance – of identity and operation – through many years of financial precarity. This is through examination of Clean Break, a UK theatre, campaigning and advocacy organisation that for over four decades has worked with women affected by the criminal justice system. We observe empirical effects stemming from the company’s ‘origin story’ as founded by two women prisoners in 1979, using the analytical lenses of organisational memory studies and historical institutionalism, emphasising significance of when and how an institution comes into being. We make a significant contribution in demonstrating that the relationship between morality and memory has empirical and theoretical significance in accounting for how and why an organisation endures.
Deborah Dean is Associate Professor of Industrial Relations and Co-Director Industrial Relations Research Unit, Warwick Business School, University of Warwick. Research interests centre on equality and diversity issues in work; the interrelation of social, legal, and cultural regulation.
Anne-marie Greene is Professor of Work and Diversity and Director of Research Impact at the School for Business and Society, University of York.
Anne-marie researches equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) in theory and practice. A particular research interest is the interface between work, life, family and community, especially where a sense of calling, mission or activism is required. This often concerns areas of work that stand outside of the standard employment relationship and which are less formally regulated, bringing with them challenges of management policy and practice and issues of inequality. Research projects have involved volunteer managers and volunteers, clergy, actors, freelance creatives, diversity consultants and trade union representatives.
Anne-marie is Artistic Director of the Criterion Theatre, Coventry, a volunteer-run charity.
Location: The seminar will be hybrid (In-person at WBS and Online via Zoom). Please email Louise Cullen ( if you would like to attend in-person (for security purposes and entry in the WBS building).


Event: The Future of Pay and Reward 2024/25



Chair: Dr Elisa Pannini, CREW

The past two years have seen very high inflation and a cost of living crisis. There have been a wide range of strikes across both the public and private sectors and a much higher level of pay settlements. In the public sector the Pay Review Bodies have been severely tested. There have been large increases in the National Minimum Wage, continuing in April 2024. Although most media attention has been on strikes in the NHS, schools and the civil service, in reality average earnings growth has been higher in the private sector than the public sector, with the highest increases in the finance and business services sector.

Where do we go from here? What is the employers’ agenda? What are the unions looking for? Will there be reform of the Pay Review Bodies? Will a change of government lead to a new remit for the Low Pay Commission? What are the unresolved issues from the disputes of the past two years? This webinar seeks to review the current picture and contemplate future developments.

Our expert speakers are as follows:

Dr Duncan Brown. Independent reward consultant and Visiting Professor at the University of Greenwich.

Tim Butcher. Chief Economist and Deputy Secretary, Low Pay Commission

Louisa Withers and Ken Mulkearn. Incomes Data Research.

This is a hybrid webinar and you can either attend either in person or online.  Details of how to register for this event on Eventbrite and how to find Hamilton House are shown below.

If attending in person there will be a buffet lunch available at 1pm.

Event: The Government’s New Anti-Strike Legislation

We would like to invite you to our upcoming CREW Seminar: The Government’s New Anti-Strike Legislation, to be held on Wednesday 29th May 2024 14:00 – 16:00, in Hamilton House HH103, 15 Park Vista, Greenwich, London SE10 9LZ .

Please note, there are limited spaces available. To register for this event, please click here.

In the 1980s and 1990s Conservative Governments contemplated, but in the end avoided, direct legal interventions to curtail strikes by workers in essential public services. But 2022/23, in the face of a huge wave of strikes in the public services, the Government passed the Strikes (minimum service levels) Act 2023 which gives Ministers and employers powers to restrict industrial action by imposing minimum service levels.
The legislation is particularly aimed at employees in the NHS, despite the fact that the doctors’ union, the BMA, operates a system of cover during strike days, as does the Royal College of Nurses and Unison.
The speakers will examine the detail of the legal changes and the reasons behind the legislation. There will also be discussion of the trade union response to the new law.

The Speakers:
Dr Ioannis Katsaroumpas, University of Sussex
Dr Ioannis Katasroumpas is a Lecturer in Employment Law in the Department of Law at the University of Sussex. His most recent research focuses on UK and Greek collective labour law and international labour law. Dr Katsaroumpas has been the author (or co-author) of reports of the European Parliament, International Labour Organisation and the European Trade Union Institute. He is an executive committee member of the Hellenic Observatory of Institutions, Culture and Development of the University of Athens and co-ordinator of the Committee of Labour and Social Rights. Dr Katsaroumpas holds an LL.B (First Class) from University of Athens , M.Jur, M. Phil in Law (Distinction) and D. Phil in law from University of Oxford. His article on the Act can be found here.

Hannah Reed, Unite the Union
Hannah Reed is Co-ordinator of Constitutional Affairs at Unite the union. She was formerly Senior Employment Rights Officer in the TUC’s Economic and Social Affairs Department. She was responsible for trade union and employment law, including collective and individual employment rights.  Hannah used to represent the TUC on the Employment Tribunal User Group and previously was a Member of the Gangmasters Licensing Authority Board.  She is also an Executive Committee Member of the Industrial Law Society.

Event: Collectivism after Collectivism: orientations to collectivism and its role in post-redundancy lives

Date: Wednesday 05 June
Time: 11:00 – 12:30
Room: Alliance Manchester Business School 2.008
Followed by lunch

To register: Collectivism after collectivism

The talk will explore orientations to collectivism amongst ex-steelworkers, based on an international collaborative study involving the UK, Sweden and Australia tracing the post-redundancy transitions of people five to ten years after the initial job loss. In framing the discussion, the talk will draw on various aspects of the debates around collectivism, notably the divide between norm-based or instrumental motivations, and Social Custom Theory.

Crucially, the study contributes to debates that posit a more dynamic view of collectivism, which goes beyond the tendency to conflate collectivism with union organisation and the obsession with the presence or absence of workplace conflict as an indicator of collectivism. The talk draws inspiration from studies that go beyond the factory gate to locate the world of production in the wider social domain.

Based on working-life biographical interviews with ex-steelworkers in the UK and Sweden, the talk will explore variations in orientations to collectivism over the course of their time in the steel plant and in the wake of redundancy.

About the speaker
Robert MacKenzie is Professor of Working Life Science at Karlstad University, Sweden. He has a longstanding interest in the regulation of employment and the relationship between macro, meso and micro level mechanisms of regulation.

His work has sought to link research on the social and economic experiences of workers with broader patterns of socio-economic restructuring and changes in the regulation of the employment relationship. This has led to research on the role played by trade unions, contract form and occupational identity in mediating the experience of restructuring. He has conducted research on restructuring in the telecommunications, steel and construction sectors, and broader labour market change in terms of the social and economic experiences of migrants. He has written on issues of regulation across various levels, from the role of the state, to workplace industrial relations and human resource management practices.

Professor MacKenzie is a Visiting Professor at the Centre for Employment Innovation and Change (CERIC), University of Leeds and an Honorary Professor Alliance Business School, University of Manchester. He is also a Senior Editor of New Technology Work and Employment.